These loans are a great option for some people but also get some people in trouble. Generally speaking, these loans are going to cost about 11% in interest and that's if you have good credit. If you have bad credit it will probably be difficult to qualify for a loan of this type.
Usually these loans will be paid back over a 2-5 year period. This obviously depends a lot on the size of the loan and the ability of the borrower to repay. When you go into the bank you will need to provide a social security number so that they can check your credit and you will also have to provide proof of employment.
If you aren't able to qualify on your own, the bank will probably require a co-signer. The co-signature will allow those individuals that do not have credit or have bad credit to get the loan.
Do you want a loan that you can't get with no credit? When you have no credit or bad credit, then you can use an individual that has good credit in order to up your chances of being approved.
There are some situations where these loans will work for you but I would proceed with caution. 11% is a lot to pay for a loan and if you have any other option I would take it. That said, these loans may be just what you need and are very useful in a lot of situations.
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